
My father went to war. He promised he would come back but he never did. So I was in charge and I had a little brother. I was like a mother to him because our mother died giving birth to him and he never met his father. I’m ten and my brother is only a year old and I can’t afford to buy food or clothes to take care of him. I need to do what is best and I have to give him up for adoption so this note is for my brother.       Dear Brother I’m so sorry to send you here but I couldn’t take care of you. By the time you get this you will be ten and I’ll be twenty. Mad isn’t it? but I’ll come back for you. Love, your sister.(136 words)

2 thoughts on “Moya

  1. Maith thú Moya! You have written a very good and moving story. Shows great imagination . Spelling and grammar very good . No problem with punctuation. Keep up the good work. Esther

  2. You rock, Best story ever is what I would say. Sorry that your father never came home for war and your mother you have great imagination It was perfect keep going Moya 🙂 Aoife

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