Ava ní R

I cycled to school at eight o, clock. Last night I had a crazy dream.I’ll tell you what happened. A red snake was in my bedroom. I followed it. It went all over the town. I don,t know where it was going. It finally decided where it wanted to go. I’ve been here before.I can,t remember the name of it though. Anyway the snake stopped for a while to have a look.Then I woke up. It was a weird and crazy dream.I still don,t know what that snake was doing.In school I only thought of the dream that I had.I guess I will never know what the snake was doing.

One thought on “Ava ní R

  1. Hello Ava ní R,

    What an interesting way to use the prompt words. Dreams can certainly take us into amazing adventures and experiences seeming so real at the time of dreaming. For those afraid of snakes, dreams could mean the snake represents bad events but your dream seemed positive so it could have meant your dream foretold of good things to come. Well done.

    I can see you are developing good writing skills. I only have a very small suggestion. You used a comma (don,t) in places where an apostrophe was needed (don’t) but I suspect you missed this in editing.

    I hope you can keep entering the 100WC. Good writers with great ideas should share their stories.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

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