
This morning,I awoke to a Monday ,a normal start ,moan about school ,get dressed ,go down stairs ,have breakfast ,make my lunch and go to school . My first class was maths . As soon as I sat down I remembered that we had a maths test and I hadn’t studied for it !!!In the beginning it was alright (a lie )but when the questions became more difficult   I was a sitting duck (the truth ) .By the end I thought I was sure  to get an instant failure. When  I got  the results I was shocked to get an honour.

One thought on “Senan

  1. Hi Senan,

    A really great story; a good use of the prompt! You describe a common setting that everyone is familiar with – the school day. This is a very unique take to the prompt. I can relate to this as I remember going to school, and the problems of having to wake up, not to mention what would happen if you were late! I like the way you describe the list of what you have to do in a methodical fashion, ie moan, get dressed, and then ofcourse actually going to school. The description of the unfolding worry from having to do a test that you havent studied for is very believable. I’m sure that many remember the feeling of having a test come in front of you and not knowing what to put down. However, this is all overshadowed by the suprise of doing well in the test, which is very relatable. Good use of grammar and punctuation, especially your use of brackets. Keep up the good work!

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