Week 11 – 100 wc Ben

Greetings humans of earth ,I am a robot. My name is Peeky. Something bad is going to happen.Meteors are coming to wreck the world. We should take shelter  and hurry. The world is going to end. This might be my last call forever. There is a safe house . Save the children first.  Run!Run!Run! Time is running out. This is the last call. Forget about your belongings and just save yourselves.

Week 11 – 100 WC Billy

Greetings humans of Earth, there is a Tactical Nuke!!!!!inbound on Russia. Any one in Russia please take shelter in Vault 111. There are 4 of these bases: Vault 111,Vault 110,Vault 96 and Vault 54. These bases are nuke,bomb and bullet proof. They are located north,south,east and west.If you do not get to any vault you’re dead but if you reach the barracks you are safe. There is one in every county .Get in there as fast as you can .WARNING !This is World War 3 for Russia. Take care of yourselves. Remember  war never changes.

100 wc Ali

“Greetings humans of earth…. I come in peace!”said a loud voice from up in the clouds. People ran out of their houses. All of a sudden out from behind a cloud came a UFO!!! Then something or somebody came out of the UFO. “Is that an alien?” asked a man in the crowd. “No, No, No! I’m a railien !” said the being . A railien is when you are half alien and half robot! I am here to help you improve.

The next day the “ralien” went back to his UFO to have lunch. Then he said “Ha,they think I’m here to help! As if! I’m gonna do the total opposite!!!


Week 11- 100 wc Caoimhe

Greetings humans of Earth .I have a special message for you. Please put the guns away because I come in peace. The special message I have for you is that there are more robots that live up in space and they are not happy because NASA are trying to disable them.They want to destroy  the world for revenge. The only way to stop them is if NASA apologises. If not, you will all have to live in space for the rest of your lives. So, if we don’t work together the world will be gone for ever.

100 wc Sophie

My brother and I went on a camping holiday with my Mam and Dad .I hated the thought of it because I don’t like bugs and spiders,unlike my brother who was so excited .   When it was time to go to bed we all got into our sleeping bags. I kept my hood up just in case.After a while I nodded off.When I woke up everything was quiet .The next minute a huge bright light shone into my tent. I knew straight away who this was.I looked out to see  a little person with a white coat. It said in a very strange voice, ” greetings humans of Earth.” I knew straight away who this was .It was my little brother.


100 WC Éabha

Greetings humans of Earth. My name is Peaky. I am an Ohbot. I live in a galaxy far away called Ohbot galaxy. I am here today to announce  that all the Ohbot’s chocolate is gone.  I have came here today to ask if I could have the secret recipe to Cadbury’s chocolate.  Show me the way to the chocolate factory. My fellow ohbots are so sad without their favourite food. If I get the recipe and we succeed in making it just like you we will all be so happy. Thank you.



Week 11- 100 wc Erin

Greetings humans of Earth. The moon was so bright outside we thought we’d go on a little spin even though we were too young to take a spaceship out. We were so excited to get to Earth. One by one we sneaked  into the spaceship and got ready for our take off . Heading to Earth we had a bumpy ride but we made it. We seemed to have landed in a pond so we found it difficult to open the door. My three robot friends were very nervous but we had to stay strong. Eventually with a bang the door opened and we cheered. We walked off the spaceship and as we did the place lit up with lights and some very strange flying objects and some very strange beings approached us and I greeted them.

The End

Week 11 – 100 WC Eibhin

“Greetings humans of Earth “, said an alien from Mars. He came on a spaceship when people were on their way back to Earth from a trip to Mars. He was the first alien to ever be in Ireland. He was big and he was green. He had two heads and three eyes and he was wearing a t-shirt that had an  alien on it. His name was Ammicowngh in alien language but in English it was Bob. He made a friend called Sarah. He had great fun with Sarah but after a while he started to miss his family so he decided to return home.

Week 11 – 100 WC Sinéad

Greetings humans of Earth. For the last couple of months we have been building a new travel craft to go further than we ever went before. This craft is only made for one. My community decided to go to Earth to find the humans that we heard so much about. I was the lucky or unlucky one to be chosen to travel in this new machine. I set off on my adventure early in the morning. I traveled for what seemed a long time because I was worried about the safety of my travel machine. I woke up surrounded by what looked like humans. “Greetings humans of Earth”Oh Mom and Dad.THE END.